IPCHS. Integrated People-Centred Health Services


Contents tagged: people empowerment

Jan. 14, 2016 Global Event

WCIC4 – 4th World Congress on Integrated Care: “Investing in our Future: Improving the Health of People and Communities”

The International Foundation of Integrated Care (IFIC), in partnership with General Practice New Zealand (GPNZ) and Healthcare Quality and Safety Commission (HCQSC) , presents the 4rd World Congress on Integrated Care “Investing in our Future: Improving the Health of People and Communities” to take place in Wellington, New Zealand 23 to 25 November 2016.

The key themes are: 

1. Promoting the health of children and families

2. Engaging and empowering people and communities

3. Re-orienting the model of care

4. Taking measures to improve quality

5. Funding and incentives that promote health outcomes

For more information, visit the website: http://integratedcarefoundation.org/events/wcic4-4th-world-congress-on-integrated-care-wellington-new-zealand



April 4, 2016 Global Publication

How to place citizen's perspective in the centre of public policies.

Placing people in the centre of health system’s design needs to understand what are the people’s perspectives about public policies and what public policies would people prefer. Frequently, public policies aiming to introduce big changes in health systems fail at getting a high acceptance by the citizens.


In this post, published in The Impact Blogs, hosted by the London School of Economics, it is described a framework which aims to align the perspectives of policymakers and citizens, and proposes two mains ways to get to a confluence between these two stakeholders: adjusting the policy frame or trying to influence on citizens’ frame.

The authors of this article applied this framework to a couple of policies, related to support for victims and confidence in the judiciary.

June 10, 2016 Global Event

WCIC4 Extended deadline for submission of abstracts

The International Foundation of Integrated Care (IFIC), in partnership with General Practice New Zealand (GPNZ) and Healthcare Quality and Safety Commission (HCQSC) , presents the 4rd World Congress on Integrated Care “Investing in our Future: Improving the Health of People and Communities” to take place in Wellington, New Zealand 23 to 25 November 2016.

They extended the call for submission of abstracts until Friday 1 July 2016. Follow the link below for more information.